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Concierge Program - Community Cause - Reward Program

What is It?

Our Concierge Program is a valuable resource for our customers and community. It is a field guide to local businesses that we believe deliver high-quality service.

We actively recommend our customers to the listed Concierge Members, and, in addition, we provide Members with the following highlighted items, free of charge:

Additional Programs all Concierge Members are Encouraged to Join

Community Cause Program

Our agency is on a mission to strengthen our community, and the participation of our Concierge partners can drastically change lives… Get involved today without committing any of your own money, and still, help our community thrive.

Rewards Program

We love it when our agency is recommended to others, and our Concierge partners can now profit from sending customers, friends, and family our way. With this Program, they can choose to help others or to help themselves, too.

                For every person that you recommend for a no-obligation quote, we’ll donate $10 on your behalf to our current community cause!

Community Causes

committed to giving back to the community we live in. That is why every quarter we highlight a local non-profit whose work benefits those most in need in our community.

Here is how the program works:

You recommend a friend or family member to us to get a quote for their insurance or investment needs by submitting their contact info by submitting a referral form. (Each profile link below, has its own unique referral form.)

Connect with your friend/family member and get them quoted.

Donate $10 per quoted recommendation on your behalf to that featured charity.

That’s it! Of course, if after reading about the specific charity which is highlighted below… and you desire to donate to them directly, there are individual links on those pages below which will take you to their giving page.